Friday, May 11, 2018

5 TV Shows That Criticizing Social Media, Internet, & Technology

Talk about technological advances, sometimes quite frightening but also make us curious. What we can see today is social media. There are already enough negative impacts from social media. The most often we see is probably those stupid people who like to quip but do not dare speak directly. And most of their talk is just mere exclamation. It just shows how unhelpful humans face the development of the times and technology.

Here is a list of interesting films that quip the current technological developments. Maybe the following movie list can be entertaining for us.

1. Black Mirror (TV Series: 2011-)

It is about the future in which technology has dominated human life. But unfortunately, the development of the era is not parallel to human behavior that increasingly decaying day. The title is quite interesting, "Black Mirror" which means "Black Screen" like the screen that is on our computer and smartphone. Black Mirror will bring you adventure in the future full of advanced technology but bleak and frightening.

2. Mr. Robot (TV Series: 2015-)

Tells the story of a young hacker named Elliot Alderson. During the day he worked as a technician at a cyber-security company called Allsafe. But at night he became a vigillante hacker solving various criminal cases. Elliot felt there was something wrong with the world. There are secret and powerful people who control the world and our lives without us knowing it. Something is wrong with the society. There are so many fakes that exist in this world. And Elliot did not like that.

When a hacker group called fsociety came to Elliot, this was probably the only chance for Elliot to change the world.

3. The IT Crowd (TV Series: 2006-)

Talks about two IT geniuses named Roy and Moss who work at a company called Reynholm Industries. They are two human beings who are clumsy and difficult to get along with. Their boss is Jen, an incompetent person and can not even tell what software and hardware are. TV Series is about the antics of Moss and Roy both at work and in the outside world, who try to socialize but always ended badly.

4. Silicon Valley (TV Series: 2014-)

Tells the story of the struggle of Richard Hendricks, a Silicon Valley engineer who tried to build his own company called Pied Piper. His struggle is not easy because he has to face various insistence from various investors. Assisted by a team that is not less unique, watch the funny story of Richard with his friends while building startup from scratch to get investment and various lucrative offers.

5. Halt and Catch Fire (TV Series: 2014-)

Set in the 1980s, this TV Shows is about the times when the development of computers, the Internet, and cell phones was booming at the time. The TV Series will be seen from the point of view of an engineer and a talented visionary in looking at the giant company at the time. Watch their story in the face of cultural change involving personal ego and greed. Also about professionalism in work and their personal life.


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