Thursday, January 18, 2018

13 Criticisms Movies About Social Media

Social Media has become one of the most important parts of our life. Nowadays, is there anyone who does not have Social Media? Most people who live in the middle of a modern city, must have a Social Media. Even mothers and fathers who already old though, they also have Social Media though just to read the news and finding some information. But we all know, that Social Media can be a scourge for many people. Because not infrequently, in Social Media there are many people who like to spread hatred and hoax news.

It's not impossible if there are people who are so obsessed with Social Media so risking everything for the sake of something unreal. Examples such as showing off, want to be famous, cyber-bullying, used as a tool to spy on people and so forth. Here is a list of movies about Social Media that can provide criticism and warning for us to be more wise in using Social Media and the Internet.

1. The Social Network (2010)

Movies About Social Media Dangers

Who does not know Mark Zuckerberg ? The creator of the greatest and largest social networking site in the world that I think everyone already knows his name. Mark is a genius programmer who pursued education at one of the most famous and prestigious universities around the world, named Harvard University. Mark Zuckerberg loved the world of blogging and programming, he started a project of a new idea. A modest dorm room that he lives will soon turn into the largest Social Media company and become a revolution in communications.

Mark Zuckerberg is the richest entrepreneur with the youngest age in history. Watch his successful career journey in a complicated way that has to deal with personal and legal issues. Rated R for adult scenes

2. Men, Women Children (2014)

Movies About Social Media Bullying

Talk about a group of teenagers and their parents in the face of technological and social media developments. About the internet that has changed their lives, changing relationships, communication, romance and much more. There are some modern problems discussed in this film such as: pornography, video games, addiction to fame, privacy, romance, social problems and others. Unconsciously, the development of technology in the field of communication, even make us difficult to communicate and socialize.

It makes us far away and does not recognize the people who are near to us, even including our own family. How familiar are you with those around you? Rated R for adult scenes

3. Disconnect (2012)

Movies About Social Media Horror

This film will tell you about the various things and various conflicts of various families that exist in modern times. There was a hard-working lawyer, who had no time for his family. There is a conflict about a married couple who are having problems after their identity is hacked. There is also a former police officer who has a child that bullying his friend online. And about a journalist who wants to succeed by exposing teens who often appear on adult porn sites. They are all just ordinary people who try hard to socialize in the middle of Social Media era. Rated R for adult scenes

4. Nerve (2016)

Movies About Social Media 2017 Netflix

What happens if social media dominates our lives? The film tells the story of a social media-like game called "Nerve". Vee is an ordinary teenager who turns out to be "bad" when involved with this game. In this game, you can choose to be watchers or players. If you are a player, you have to do a lot of crazy things that are ordered by the watcher. And if the watcher likes your action, they'll give you some money. Initially all looks good because Vee can make a lot of money from this game.

But it all gets messy when Vee tell the police about the bad side of the Nerve game. Now Vee must win this game to be free from the "Watchers".

5. Hard Candy (2005)

Movies About Social Media Thriller

After having some chats via online for three weeks, "Thonggrrrl14" asked "Lensman319" to meet in the real world. They are a 14-year-old girl named Hayley Stark and a 32-year-old man named Jeff Kohlver. They begin to interact with each other and get acquainted. But somehow, while they were talking, Hayley loved to quip on sexual matters. After that they go to Jeff's house, and that's when terrible things start to happen. Hayley alleges that Jeff is a pedophile and he likes to search for victim via the internet.

Hayley was determined to torture Jeff, though Jeff does not show anything suspicious about pedophile. What tortures would Hayley do? Is Jeff really a pedophile?

6. Me and You and Everyone We Know (2005)

List of Social Media Internet Movies

The film tells the story of how people struggle to relate to one another in an isolated and contemporary "virtual world." Christine Jesperson is a lonely artist. Richard Swersey is a man who works as a new shoe salesman and father of two sons. When Richard meets Christine, she feels interested but panicked.

Elsewhere, there was a boy named Robby who was six years old. He is the son of Richard, who is in love over the internet with a terrible unknown stranger. Robby had a fourteen-year-old brother named Peter. He became a guinea pig for the girls who are his neighbors. Although they are still young, but they have begun to practice and plan the future of their romance and even their marriage.

7. Catfish (2010)

Docummentaries Social Media Films

At the end of 2007, filmmakers named Ariel Schulman and Henry Joost wanted to make a story while they were filming the life of Ariel's brother named Nev. They never expected that their project would take them in the most exciting and stressful months of life. This Catfish movie contains about their friend's online friendship documentation with a young woman and her family. The relationship leads them to a series of unexpected detours.

A surprising fact of our lives in this day and age. This film will tell you about a love story, fraud, and enjoyment that accompanied various conflicts from cyberspace.

8. Chef (2014)

Social Media Films Based on True Story

Carl Casper is a famous chef who has a messy family. It makes him frustrated and went into a viral video on the Internet. The video contains about criticism of a restaurant that highlights its cuisine. The cuisine was criticized because his boss who forbade Carl to cook as he wished. Now his career is ended, Carl's ex-wife offers an unusual solution that fixes an old truck in Miami and uses the truck as a place to sell food. Now, along with his young son, Percy, and assisted by an old friend named Martin, Carl travels across America with the truck for selling food according to his passion.

With Percy's technological savvy, and Martin's enthusiasm, Carl realizes that by doing so, he can serve delicious cuisine in his own way. In addition, he can also establish better relationships with his family.

9. You've Got Mail (1998)

Social Network Movie About the Story

Two business people who compete with each other and hate each other in real life, unwittingly fall in love with each other because of the Internet. The story is about two bookstore owners, a man and a woman. One bookstore owner has a large bookstore, while the other has a small bookstore. It makes them rivals and hates each other. While Joe and Kathleen fight between each other, these two rivals have the same hobby, having chat online via email. Secretly they communicate over the Internet, but they do not know each other.

When Joe already knows that the woman he hates is the person he is talking to on the Internet, Joe is starting to like Kathleen. But Kathleen did not know that the guy she'd been talking to was Joe, so Kathleen still hated Joe. Now Joe has to figure out how to fix it.

10. Ingrid Goes West (2017)

Movie Review Synopsis and Mark Zuckerberg

Ingrid Thorburn is a woman who is obsessed with Instagram. It caused Ingrid to have serious problems due to Instagram. While Taylor Sloane is a influencer and a very famous Instagram user. Ingrid was obsessed with Taylor's lifestyle, and when Ingrid moved to Los Angeles, she began to build her Instagram account to be extraordinary and went into the ranks of the Social Media artists. The friendship between Ingrid and Taylor is changing from #BFF to #WTF. Rated R for adult scenes

11. Cyberbully (2015 TV Movie)

Movie About Internet Addiction

A teenager named Casey is being terrorized by a hacker. This teenager who lives in England is forced to do things according to what the hacker wants. Casey is threatened, if she does not want to do the hacker's orders, Casey's disgraceful photos will be exposed by the hacker. Casey had to race against time before all his secrets were leaked to the world via the Internet. She must strive to find ways to end the action of the hacker and save her identity. But how ?

12. Trust (2010)

Best Social Media Movies Coming Soon

In the middle of the Internet era and the modern world, there lived a family in the suburbs. The small and simple family changed and became devastated when Annie (Liana Liberato) a fourteen-year-old girl got her first boyfriend online. After months of communicating via chat and phone online, Annie realizes that her friend (Chris Henry Coffey) is a very different person from what she imagined.

After they meet, Annie just found out that his girlfriend was a sexual predator who hunted his prey online through the Internet. Surprised by this, Annie's parents heart was shattered by their daughter's actions. Annie's fine and innocent life is now tainted. Now Annie's parents had to struggle to support Annie in order to recover from what had happened to her. Rated R for adult scenes

13. Unfriended (2014)

Download Social Media Movies Upcoming

This time, this one movie will tell you about a horror story. An online chat group containing a group of friends that is haunted by a mysterious supernatural power using the account of one of their dead friends. One night, when a group of friends was chatting at night, six high school kids received a message via Skype from a girlfriend who committed suicide a year ago. At first, they all thought that this was just a prank or a hoax. Because they all know that, everyone can use their friend's Social Media account to frighten and poke people.

But after all the amazing things they began to believe. The suicide girl, began to reveal the dark secrets they had. The chat group began to realize that this was the act of something not from this world. Something that comes from another world that intends to take revenge and wants their death.


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